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Play General Knowledge Quiz Game

Hi, knowledge seekers! Here's an engaging general knowledge quiz game to entertain and enlighten players with multiple interesting topics. This game is designed to spark curiosity in individuals and put your general knowledge to the test.

General Knowledge Quiz Game Structure:

This GK quiz game has three fun, and tricky rounds, each comprising of five entertaining questions. It consists of a wide array of unique questions tailored to test your knowledge in various subjects. This general knowledge quiz game escalates in difficulty as you progress, keeping you on your toes throughout.

Time Pressure:

Quick thinking and fast decision-making are paramount in this general knowledge quiz game. Choose your answers quickly as you only have 15 seconds to answer each question.

Lifelines to the Rescue:

To enable you to cross tough levels, this general knowledge quiz game provides three crucial lifelines: "Ask the Audience," "50-50," and "Skip." The “Ask the Audience” option helps you get access to what fellow players think. The “50-50” option eliminates two wrong options, making it easy for you to choose an answer. The “Skip” option helps skip a question if you do not know the answer. However, exercise caution, as these lifelines can only be used once per round, so it's essential to use them wisely.

Scoring System:

This GK quiz game yields a point for every correct answer. However, you risk forfeiting the game with every wrong answer. This seeks to encourage players to aim for high accuracy and provide an element of risk and excitement.

RushQuiz's general knowledge quiz game offers an entertaining adventure that challenges your decision-making abilities and keeps you engaged. So prepare yourself for the excitement that RushQuiz is poised to deliver, and dive into the world of knowledge.